The Dynamic Universe

Tuomo Suntola      DU in Finnish
The Dynamic Universe (DU) theory is a holistic description of the observable universe – just like the Copernican model was a holistic description of the planetary system. Describing the three-dimensional space as the “surface” of a four-dimensional ball, the dynamics of space as a whole can be solved, and any local state of motion and gravitation in space can be related to the motion and gravitation of space as a whole.

The Dynamic Universe means a dramatic clarification of the picture of reality – mass and energy in space are not created out of nothingness in a sudden big bang – the energy of space has been built up in the contraction phase preceding the current expansion phase, where the mass has received its rest energy as the energy of motion against the energy of gravitation released.

Explanation of the relativity of local observations does not need distorted time or distances like in the theory of relativity; relativity appears as a direct consequence of the conservation of the total energy in space. Atomic clocks in motion or near mass centers run slower because part of their energy is bound to the local motion or gravitation – not because they experience dilated time like taught by the theory of relativity.

DU offers a unified framework covering all branches of physics. It produces precise predictions both for local phenomena and cosmological observations – without additional parameters like in the predictions derived from the theory of relativity.

See also Mathematical Visualizations (work in progress).
The basis of the Dynamic Universe (DU) theory was first documented in 1996. Since then, the theory has been elaborated and documented in several steps – linkage to the historical development is studied in the book “The Short History of Science – or the long path to the union of metaphysics and empiricism” first published in 2012. 


The Dynamic Universe

- Toward a unified picture of physical reality 

Tuomo Suntola, Physics Foundations Society and The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy 
Fourth, complemented edition, May 2018

Buy from bookstore Tiedekirja, Helsinki (International Shipping), ISBN 978-952-68101-2-6 (hardback, 310 pages) 
Buy from Amazon: ISBN 978-1461027034 (Paperback, 310 pages (US, UK, Germany

The Dynamic Universe theory is a holistic description of the observable physical reality. Like the Copernican revolution, the DU creates a system perspective allowing straightforward mathematics and a conceivable cosmological picture of the universe — and gives precise predictions to observables without dark energy or other artificial parameters. It is a unifying theory converting spacetime in variable coordinates into dynamic space in absolute coordinates. 

The Short History of Science

 - or the long path to the union of metaphysics and empiricism

Tuomo Suntola, Physics Foundations Society
and The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy Third, complemented edition, 
ISBN 978-952-68101-6-4 (hardback, 256 pages)

Buy from bookstore Tiedekirja, Helsinki (International shipping)
or buy from Amazon:
ISBN-13: 978-1727481372
(paperback) USUK, Germany

The book traces the development of the scientific picture of reality from antique to present day with special emphasis on the philosophical and theoretical choices made along the path. Also, the book studies the possibility of a re-evaluation the theoretical structures and the picture of reality with a closer connection between the philosophical and empirical aspects. Short biographies of more than one hundred key scientists are included as well as numerous references and links to primary documents.

Tieteen lyhyt historia

- vai pitkä tie luonnonfilosofian ja empirismin kohtaamiseen

Tuomo Suntola, Physics Foundations Society ja Luonnonfilosofian seura
Kolmas, täydennetty painos, (sidottu, 256 sivua)

ISBN 978-952-68101-4-0
Myynti: Tiedekirja, verkkokauppa & myymälä, Snellmaninkatu 13, 00170 Helsinki

Kirja jäljittää tieteellisen maailmankuvan kehityksen antiikista nykypäivään, keskittyen erityisesti filosofisiin ja teoreettisiin valintoihin, jotka matkan varrella on tehty. Kirjassa tarkastellaan myös mahdollisuutta teoriarakenteiden ja todellisuuskuvan uudelleenarviointiin filosofisia ja empiirisiä näkökulmia lähentäen. Kirjaan on sisällytetty yli sadan keskeisen tiedemiehen lyhyet elämäkerrat sekä lukuisia viitteitä ja linkkejä alkuperäiskirjoituksiin. 

Scientific models and a comprehensive picture of reality

The proceedings of the Workshop is now available as a Special Issue of the Italian periodical La Nuova Critica.

The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, together with The Physics Foundations Society, arranged a two-day workshop on the theme Scientific models and a comprehensive picture of reality held on May 20-21, 2016 at the House of Science and Letters in Helsinki. The workshop brought together recognized philosophers, physicists and cosmologists to discuss the scientific models and the challenge of making nature understandable. The workshop called for novel aspects of unifying theories and discusses the postulates, testability and the philosophical criteria of the theories. Link to Workshop program and presentations. Link to Speaker Introductions.


(Most recent at the top)


International Conference, September 21–24, 2022, Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Zitna 25, Prague, Czech Republic.
Download proceedings.

Tuomo Suntola, In a holistic perspective, everything in space is interconnectedDownload PowerPoint presentation 

Heikki Sipilä, Recalculation of the Moon retreat velocity supports expansion of gravitationally bound local systems. Download Powerpoint presentation,

In a holistic perspective, time is absolute and relativity a direct consequence of the conservation of total energy

We are taught to think that the description of relativistic phenomena requires distorted time and distance. The message of this essay is that, in a holistic perspective, time and distance are universal coordinate quantities, and relativity is a direct consequence of the conservation of energy. ... 

Unification in Physics and Philosophy, International Workshop in Helsinki on May 11th 2019

Youtube video:
Proceedings: Journal of Physics, Conference Series 1466 (2020) 012001 
The Proceedings is now available online: 
    Avril Styrman: Only a unified ontology can remedy disunification
    Tuomo Suntola: Unification of theories requires a postulate basis in common
    Heikki Sipilä: Is the Solar System expanding?
    Tarja Kallio-Tamminen: Dynamic Universe – natural science and philosophy in unison

Unification of Theories Requires a Postulate Basis in Common

Tuomo Suntola, Unification in Physics and Philosophy, Helsinki, May 11, 2019

A primary challenge of natural sciences in the new millennium is to cure the gap between metaphysics and empiricism – and puzzle out the obstacles to a unified theory and an understandable picture of reality. Antique science flourished via its strong philosophical impact but faded away due to the lack of supporting empirical science. The fast development of mathematical physics has led to the other opposite; theories are diversified, they are more like mathematical descriptions of observations; they provide precise predictions but lack a solid metaphysical basis and an understandable picture of reality. 
Anyway, modern science has increased our understanding of physics from elementary particles to cosmological structures and produced information that allows reevaluation of the basis. In the presentation, we show that by switching from an observer-oriented perspective to a system perspective, any local energy object is related to the rest of space and relativity appears as a direct consequence of the conservation of total energy in the system – without scarifying the absolute time and distance essential for human comprehension. Such a holistic approach has led to the Dynamic Universe (DU) theory. After maturing for the last twenty years, DU produces precise, well-tested predictions for local and cosmological observables and an uncontradictory linkage to quantum mechanics.

Tuomo Suntola, Kvantin olemus ja massan aaltoluonne - havaintojen kuvaamisesta ilmiöiden kuvaamiseen.

Teemailta Luonnonfilosofian seurassa 18.5.2017: Millaisen kuvan todellisuudesta kvanttimekaniikan tulkinnat antavat?

Tuomo Suntola, Restructuring of the Scientific Picture, A Holistic Approach to Relativity, Cosmology and the Essence of a Quantum.

Presentation in the Workshop Scientific Models and a Comprehensive Picture of Reality, Helsinki, May 20-21, 2016. Organized by The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy and the Physics Foundations Society. Presentation slides (PowerPoint).

Tuomo Suntola, The Dynamic Universe – Space as a Spherically Closed Energy System

International Journal of Astrophysics and Space Science, Special Issue: Quantum Vacuum, Fundamental Arena of the Universe: Models, Applications and Perspectives. Vol. 2, No. 6-1, 2014, pp. 66-85. doi: 10.11648/j.ijass.s.2014020601.18. A general introduction of the Dynamic Universe theory. 

Tuomo Suntola, Ari Lehto, Tarja Kallio-Tamminen, Heikki Sipilä, Fundamental Concepts - from Force to Energy

International Journal of Astrophysics and Space Science. Special Issue: Quantum Vacuum, Fundamental Arena of the Universe: Models, Applications and Perspectives, Vol. 2, No. 6-1, 2014, pp. 66-85. doi: 10.11648/j.ijass.s.2014020601.18.

The General Theory of Relativity 100 years

On November 10, 2015 The Finnish society for Natural Philosophy arranged a special event to celebrate the 100 years of the theory of general relativity. The program consisted of presentations on the status of astronomy at the time the theory was developed, the birth and the essence of the theory, and considerations of possible restructuring of the theory if today’s instruments, knowledge and observations had been available to Einstein. Link to the program and presentations

Tuomo Suntola ja Tarja Kallio-Tamminen: On the Essence of Quantum (Kvantin olemuksesta)

Presentation in The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, March 4, 2014, Presentation slides Blackbody surface as antenna field. Antenna active area is related to the wavelength as Aλ=λ2/4π, with emission intensity to half-space as Iλ=1/Aλ =2π /λ2, which is exactly the Rayleigh-Jeans formula applying when all antennas are activated by the thermal energy, kT>hf. When only a part of antennas are activated as described by the Maxwell-Bolzmann distribution of the thermal energy, kT << hf, the emission intensity follows Wilhelm Wien’s radiation law. Max Planck’s radiation law combines the two and covers also the transition region where kT ≈ hf.

Tuomo Suntola, On the Linkage between Planck's Quantum and Maxwell's Equations

The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy - 25th Anniversary Symposium, November 11, 2013. 

Full PDF Paper Planck equation is obtained from Maxwell's equations by solving the energy enitted into a cycle of radiation by a single transition of an elementarey charge. A point source is studied as one-wavelength antenna in the fourth dimension ( L = λ = cdt ).

Tuomo Suntola: Gestalting Structures in Physics 

100 Years of Gestalt Psychology Symposium, Helsinki 28.-29.9.2012 Full text, pdf Presentation

Tuomo Suntola, The big Puzzle

FQXi Essay Contest in 2012, Full PDF Paper How do we start composing a jigsaw puzzle? It is certainly helpful if we see the picture of the puzzle when fully composed. In the big puzzle of physics, we are about to fit the highly tuned parts together to see whether they match, and what the total picture looks like – have we created a monster or a beauty, or something in between?

Tuomo Suntola, The Dynamic Universe – from whole to local

The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, Seminar "Natural philosophy and the philosophy of sciences, Models in physics and cosmology", Helsinki, Tieteiden talo 27-28.9.2010. Presentation slides ppsx Relativity in the DU is not relativity between an object and the observer, but relativity between local and the whole - it shows the energy available in a local state of motion and gravitation. Clocks in motion or close to a mass center loose time because they have bound part of their energy in motion and local gravitation.

Tuomo Suntola, Physical and mathematical postulates behind relativity

Mathematics, Physics and Philosophy In the Interpretations of Relativity Theory, Budapest 4-6 September 2009.

Tuomo Suntola, Global relativity establishes absolute time and a universal frame of reference

NPA Conference, Storrs, University of Connecticut, May 25-29, 2009, Full text pdf Supplement: The derivation of the cosmological predictions, Appendix 1.

Tuomo Suntola, From local to global relativity,

Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory, PIRT XI, London 12-15.9.2008.

Tuomo Suntola, Zero-energy space cancels the need for dark energy

Physics and Philosophy In the Interpretations of Relativity Theory, Budapest 7-9 September 2007

Tuomo Suntola, Relativity defines the locally available share of total energy

PIRT-X, "Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory X", London, September 8-11, 2006.

Tuomo Suntola, Photon - the minimum dose of electromagnetic radiation

SPIE Optics & Photonics 2005 Conferences, Special Program SP200 “The Nature of Light: What is a Photon?”, San Diego, July 31 – August 4, 2005 

Planck equation is solved as the energy emitted into a cycle of radiation by a single unit charge transition in a one wavelength dipole.

Tuomo Suntola, Observations support spherically closed dynamic space without dark energy

Tuomo Suntola, Back to the Basis – Observations Support Spherically Closed Dynamic Space 1st Crisis in Cosmology Conference (CCC-1), Monção, Portugal, June 23-25, 2005, 

Tuomo Suntola and Robert Day, Supernova observations fit Einstein-de Sitter expansion in 4-sphere

arXiv/astro-ph/0509016 (2005)

Recent observations on the redshift and magnitude of distant supernovae have raised fundamental questions of the cosmological structure and the development of space. Interpretation of the observations with the standard cosmology model suggests accelerating expansion of space which requires an assumption of unknown dark energy working against gravitation at cosmological distances. This paper presents an analysis which shows that the observed magnitude redshift relationship is in an excellent agreement with the prediction derived by assuming a zero energy balance of motion and gravitation in an expanding 4-sphere. Such an approach can be regarded as Einstein-deSitter expansion in the fourth dimension, suggesting a decelerating expansion velocity until zero in infinity.

Tuomo Suntola, Dynamic space converts relativity into absolute time and distance

PIRT-IX, Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory IX, London, September 3-9, 2004.

Tuomo Suntola, Universal Order in Absolute Time

Colloquium "Human Approaches to the Universe" in University of Helsinki, Finland September 26-27, 2003.

Tuomo Suntola, Re-evaluation of the Scout D experiment as a Test of Relativity Theory

Galilean Electrodynamics, 14, No.4 (2003) Full text (pdf).  A detailed analysis of the gravity probe Scout D experiment confirms the GR/DU prediction for both the gravitational and velocity terms of the frequency shift (instead of SR velocity shift reported in Phys. Rev. Letters, 45, 26 (1980) 2081).

Tuomo Suntola, Dynamic space converts relativity into absolute time and distance

EPISTEME No. 6 (2002).

T. Suntola, Celestial mechanics in spherical space

Apeiron, Vol. 8, No. 3 (July 2001) Full text pdf The perihelion shift in DU space conserves the orbital radius. It does not create a cumulative term to the radius like the Schwarzschild solution of general relativity.

T. Suntola, New cosmology model shows relativity in universal time and distant observations in Euclidean geometry

Apeiron, Vol. 8, No. 3 (July 2001) Full text pdf We can choose between the constant velocity of light and time dilation (SR, GR) - or absolute time and a changing velocity of light (DU).
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